Highlights from the Concert Week in Barcelona
From January 25th to February 1st, we celebrated the first Musethica Session of 2025, hosted by the Escuela Superior de Música de Cataluña (ESMUC) in Barcelona.
This session’s tutor was José Vicente Castelló, horn professor at ESMUC and principal horn of the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, who accompanied the young wind quintet Thédak Ensemble (ESMUC). Additionally, we were fortunate to have some members of the SenArts Quintet as very special guests.
The varied programme included works by Ludwig van Beethoven, György Ligeti, and Paul Taffanel. For the final concert, we were treated to the Petite Symphony for Wind Instruments in B flat Major by Charles Gounod on Saturday, February 1st, in Sala 4 - Alicia de Larrocha - at L'Auditori de Barcelona, with a full audience.
From January 27th to 31st, our young musicians, accompanied by José Vicente Castelló, performed a total of 10 concerts at various Social Centers in Barcelona and the surrounding area: La Mallola Residence and Felix Llobet Residence in Esplugues de Llobregat, Paideia School of Special Education, Les Corts Occupational Center, Ernest Lluch School, and Santiago Ramón y Cajal School in Hospitalet de Llobregat, Camins, Escola Pia social foundation, Xamfrà, "Centre de música, dansa i escena per a la inclusió social", and two concerts at the Intensive Care Unit at Hospital General Vall d'Hebron.
Mr. Estanislao, an attendee of the concerts at the residences on the first day, sent us the following words, which resumes this session perfectly:
“Music is a commitment, and not everyone is ready to leave everything behind and devote themselves to what truly fulfills them. That is why we must value these young people who have come to offer us everything they are.”